so he stays hard left, and everyone else hates him and he's out in 2012, or he goes to the middle and then the moderates hate him or don't but the right and left hate him, and he's out.
how can he NOT get booted after all he's done? hey, he shouldn't have got in at all so nothing is certain but I really do see his image tarnished badly enough to end his career, and image is about all he had going for him.
He's not 'hard left'. His (former) left supporters like Howard Dean, Cindy Sheehan, etc. are even more P.O.'d at him than the Rush/Hannity/Beck crowd. They think he reneged on his promises to end the war, close Guantanamo, and provide public-option health care.
He's not left or right, he's not even for himself because if he keeps alienating people he'll be out on his butt on the sidewalk in a few short years.
Which begs the questions - WHO IS HE FOR? WHAT is his real agenda? Somebody is pulling his strings, for sure.
And things are not looking good. Storm clouds coming up fast. Middle class getting squeezed out of existence, working people terrified of layoffs, businesses closing everywhere, trillions of dollars stolen or wasted, trillions in gov't debt, states going broke, illegals pouring across the borders.