Bingo—I was only joking with you about you purchasing the “No Sunday Hunting” signs for me…
In all honesty, the poster signs are about as good as the person who owns the land and is “on patrol” to make sure the signs are obeyed. But, I have never really cared telling a person what to do if he/she has a firearm in his/her immediate use!...
As far as people asking permission to hunt on not-posted land, well, that is sort of a joke also. I know of many people who merely say, “Well, it isn’t posted.” They figure that gives them the O.K. to hunt…
But in fairness, where I live, I have a small piece of property and there are a couple of young hunters (mid-20’s) and they asked to hunt on it. Not a problem for me as I don’t hunt on this property and it allows them to get next to several large tracts of land that are posted. Deer and turkey can’t read poster signs we know, and they do wonder onto my property. And so that goes…
But from what I have read, it seems that this effort by the pro-Sunday hunters might be a major blitz to try to get it passed and legal to do the Sunday hunting. It will be interesting as to how the Commish handles this…
But if it does “cut the mustard” and passes, heck, I might just go to my little cabin on Sunday morning, have a couple of eggs over easy, and take a walk and see if I might find whatever is in season at that time. Probably taste as good if shot on Sunday as compared to Saturday or Wednesday…
Good-luck to you pro-Sunday hunters. I can deal with it either way I suppose…