Bill, these are a white box with green and red print "HEAVY METAL FREE" green circle with a vertical bar over a red M and HMF below it. On the back side of the individual boxes is "Murom apparatus producing plant. Made in Russia"
shot1 commented that they are infact "Wolf" primers, and I thank him for that info! On the suggestions gathered from GBO, I ordered 5M Wolf from Powder Valley and I too will remember who kept there prices down.
I understand about a minimum of 1000, with my luck it would be the best load I ever shot and couldn't find any more of that component! I'm not hurting on primers but I did find that I was/am low on small pistol primers. I purchased 2k once fired pieces of brassfrom a fellow in the Classifieds (as soon as I can get to the PO for a MO for him) and while digging in the primer locker I had only a thousand left!! I thought I was caught up on 38's for a while but was getting out the 357 I found another coffee can of 38 so it's back to casting to get another 2500 38's loaded. Spring's comming and I sure don't want to be in the basement loading when I could be outside shooting. I tell ya, a wife, a daughter, 3 daughters-in-law and 2 grandkids big enough to shoot can burn up a BUNCH of 38's in no time at all! LOL
I thank ya'll for the help and info.