Author Topic: 2nd deer of the season  (Read 740 times)

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Offline T.R.

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2nd deer of the season
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:25:36 PM »

My hunt began well before dawn within an area at Aberdeen Proving Grounds that we've never hunted before. The Army opens and closes forested areas without consulting us.  :)

The morning was not productive. After a lunch break we developed a fresh battle plan and I was assigned a post along Chesapeake Bay with an active patch of white oak trees. By active I mean to say that acorns are dropping without ceasing. This food source draws in animals like a magnet and during the afternoon I spotted 5 does within easy crossbow range. But due to angles or leafy cover, I shot just this one doe. Every hunter has his own ethics. For me, I'll take a "high percentage" kill shot or pass up the animal. I killed this doe with a double lung shot at approx 25 yards. The animal wobbled a little and collapsed about four car lengths from impact. My bolt sailed through the deer and at least half of its length was embedded into the soil!  During field dressing, I observed severe damage to tubing above the heart. I'm guessing that instant loss of blood pressure caused the doe to lose oxygen to the brain which explains the wobbling and collapse.

This hunt took place on OCT 11th but foolishly I did not check camera battery power before I left for the hunt. By the time I got home, it was late and I hurriedly skinned, quartered, and placed the venison in large cooler with ice. Finally hit the pillow after midnight. This photo was taken following morning. Admittedly this photo is less-than-ideal but best I could do.

This Maryland doe weighed in at 72 lbs after field dressing. Thick fat was observed at loins and hind quarter. This venison will be a TOP Trophy on the dinner table. Praise God for His bountiful blessings!!


Offline markc

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Re: 2nd deer of the season
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 03:24:27 AM »
TR that doe looks a little thin.   Just kidding.  Nice going.  I have yet to release a bolt/arrow this season.  Took Friday off from work, so we will see....Thats what I get for putting my Bro-n-Law in my best stand. He saw a good number of big Axis and some young Whitetail. 