One of our Alabama Democratic anti-gun nuts is wanting you to lock all your guns up so they won't be easy to get to in case you need them in a hurry.
Mandatory Firearm Storage Requirement Introduced
Please Contact Your State Legislators Today!
Senate Bill 401, introduced by State Senator Vivian Davis Figures (D-33), is another feel good attempt to further restrict firearm owner freedoms. Under SB401, gun owners would be required to store their firearms in such a manner that they would be inaccessible to any person under the age of 17 -- for example, by locking guns in a secure container.
This "one size fits all" requirement cannot meet the needs of every gun owner. Rather than imposing ineffective laws, NRA believes education through programs such as the NRA's "Eddie Eagle Gun Safe" program is the way to further reduce firearm related incidents.
Please contact your State Legislators and respectfully voice your opposition to SB401.