Went to the gun show....cashed in my spare change ($220 bucks) and sold 240 rds of 7.62x54r ammo for $40.
Bought 1,000 more rds of CCI Blazer ammo (around 15,000 rds now)
Don't know why I bought it, but I picked up a Marlin 883 .22 mag....nice wood stock, blued...Bushnell 3x-9x32 scope on Weaver dovetail rings...micro groove barrel.
Paid $200 out the door.....22 mag shocked me though....$11.00 per 50...bought 8 boxes of CCI Maxi-Mag 40 gr FMJ...1,875 fps.
Has the tube feed (13 rds I think) bolt action.
Bluing was a little freckled here and there....took some oil and superfine steel wool...cleaned up pretty good....wood stock almost excellent.
Was real dusty....been sitting around for awhile evidently....cleaned her up real good.
Almost got a .17 HMR but figured the .22 mags been around for yrs.
Figured I'd play around with it for awhile and see if I like the round.
Almost bought a like new blued Savage with target barrel and black synthetic stock but the guy wouldn't come down from $225 to $200 which was my target price.
The Marlin is old but I think its classier looking and spoke to me.
Heavier than the Savage too....Savage felt a little barrel heavy.