Isn't tossing a coin in the air and shooting it a feat of "speed and accuracy"?
I can see how the modern regulations concearning smooth bore pistols may outweigh the fun of shooting sixguns at thrown targets. If you're saying that there is no interest in it at all, I have to wonder why. The shot in question is a classic of American shooting folklore, from even before the days of the black and white movies we have all seen it done in. Again, there are 19th century examples of smoothbore pistols. Exhibition shooting was a popular form of entertainment long before even the Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Similar shows had been touring America for decades before Bill Cody opened his.
By modern definiton, a smooth bore shot revolver (Say a 44 or 45) would be defined as an AOW (any other weapon) and would be subject to registartaion similar to a full auto, or a short barrelled rifle, only subject to a much lower priced tax stamp. $5 instead of the $200 required for the SBR or the FA. The regulatory process would be onerous, but the cost not so much so.
Again, if there is no interest in the 'coin toss shot' I'm surprised. The danger of performing it with a solid projectile would make it a no-go, but a shot revolver would be as safe as any shotgun.