Perhaps it was the heat, a bit of dehydration, low blood sugar, or maybe it was the fun I was having, but as she motored back and forth with 20 blade disc prep'ing fields for planting seed, we got to a clayey, dry, hard part and I found myself mentally encouraging her to "Eat it up big girl! Eat it up!" every time we wound around and around that spot. I made a mental note to self at that time to mention it on the Forum. Did I mention how hot it was?
Is that "strange and unusual"? Anybody else care to admit a touch of surealism from time to time? Mental madness then? She didn't respond back if that is any consolation...and she did just what I asked!
Anyway, the fields are prep'd and ready to plant seed tomorrow. A crew of help is coming. Lime first, then seed, then cover, and wait for rain.