It really depends on what i'm hunting. Many times when walking, i carry a slug in the left bbl., and my 22 Win. Mag. insert in the right bbl... Where i sit for deer, i don't even load the shot bbls, as my shots are too far for a shotgun, and i don't take anything less that a near perfect shot with the rifle bbl... When i go to retrive a deer that i can't see dead on the ground, i load both shot bbls. with slugs. For bird hunting, both bbls have shot loads in them...
Anyway, one time i shot a huge blk. bear with my drilling (bottom rifle bbl.) at about 50 feet, and the bear turned and came full speed ahead right at me. I gave it a left bbl. that had a Rem. slug in it at about 25 feet, and it turned. I was just about to give it the slug in the right bbl., and it piled up. I'd say it ran about 60 ? feet total...
NOW, i'm not saying that the bear charged, and i'm not saying that the slug turned that bear, but i bet you it got it's attention! lol
It was dead with the rifle shot, but not out of gas...
thats i a great strategy for deer hunting to use the slug when tracking the deer.
Shooting a bear that is charging at 25 yards is very close, were you by yourself or did you have backup?
Actually it was FEET, not yards... lol
I was alone, and spotted the bear from about 1/2 mile away, (thankyou Swaro for building GREAT bino's!!) and it was eating blueberries on a "rim", up above timber line, across a steep ravine... It looked VERY big even from that distance!
I put a stalk on, but had to go down quite a ways, then into the deep ravine and up the other side, after crossing the bigger creek. Soo, i picked out a landmark where i last saw the bear up on the rim, and headed down and across, coming up high enough to peek over the rim. And, there was the bear, 50 feet away! When your climbing up a steep ravine, you can't exactly back up, if your too close, so i stood there and waited untill i had a side rib shot. I'm NOT sure why i took a rib shot, as i rarely shoot bears in the ribs, prefering a high shoulder shot on bears.
Now my experience with bears, has always been that they "bolt" what ever direction they are aimed when the bullet hits them. So i figured i was pretty safe to blast that bear at 50 feet, but when the gun went off, the bear went down, jumped back up, made one leap and turned directly at me!
Yup, at those distances, it happens pretty fast!! lol