That's funny Powderman! I don't count either.
My aunt is a social worker and when I had children at a young age she and I sat down and talked. She told me that the #1 rule of parenting is say what you mean and mean what you say. I don't make threats I'm not willing to keep. If I tell my boys they will loose a game for a month if they do so and so I will keep it for a month maybe longer. If I say I will spank them, then I spank them. My boys know that if they misbehave they WILL be punished. Does that mean that they don't of coarse not they are growing boys. Does that mean that they get away with it...nope! I know I sound very strict, but there are a few rules my boys are expected to live by.
If it's not yours don't touch it.
If you use something, put it back and clean up your mess.
Keep your toys put where they belong. (and yes I give perfectly good toys away when they are left in the floor)
Do what I say the first time I say it.
Always be respectful and courteous to others.
By following these few simple rules they seem to stay out of trouble...for now anyway.
Oh and when they do get caught breaking one...they know which one and what their punishment is. It is funny sometimes because they punish themselves. Bradley brought me the cord to his tv the other day and said...sorry momma I was playing instead of cleaning. Here is my tv cord...I will go clean now!