Welcome oldfort! Well, actually there are a few members here that have rechambered their 45LC Carbine barrels to Casull or 460S&W, I know CW did his to Casull and Gendoc did his to 460 as I did, I did mine myself by hand with a rented reamer, 4D has a reamer, dunno if Elk Ridge has one yet or not, I had to wait over a year for 4D to buy one, I was the first to use it when he finally bought one. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, site sponsor Wayne York of Oregunsmithing has done several 460s, he be glad to help you out. If you want to do it yourself, just follow the directions in the FAQs and Help sticky for reaming the 357mag to Maxi, there's more info in the reamer rental sticky too. As for performance, I get almost 2900fps with the 200gr Hornady factory ammo in mine, accuracy isn't great tho, 2-3" 100yd groups is the best I got, 250gr handloaded SSTs were a little better, but those are the only two loads I've shot in it, I want to try 2400 with the 250gr SSTs some day, that seems to be the go to accuracy load for Encore 460s.