Wyo. Coyote Hunter, I remember those mailorder days too. It seems like Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward (remember them?) were both doing pretty good business, along with a bunch of others who advertised on the inner back page of outdoor magazines. I wish I'd picked up one of those 03 Springfields that were selling for 39 bucks or so back then--but I was a college student paying my own way, and like most college students at any point in time, had limited foresight. I opted for a Carcano for $8.95. Once, I sold a car, went shopping for another junker to replace it, and instead bought a 16 ga. double shotgun used. I carried it right on the bus back to the University, and brought it right into my dorm room. Nobody even gave it a second thought. Those were the days, just prior to the hippie era by a couple of years. I missed out on the hippie era. My drill sergeant seemed to have a fetish about short haircuts.