freddogs pretty much sumed it up, I think of a call as if its a fishing bait, sometimes the bait works sometimes it don't. The first time I tried the Lohman call the buck was 80 tds, going away, when I bleated his head snaped up and looked in my direction, 2mins later I shot him a 7 yds. I was impressed. It was if I pulled him in on a rope. I have eight notches on that call, I notch the call only when I see the buck respond to the call and take the buck. I have had it not work many more times though. I always make a few calls just before dark, I have had them come running into the call. Its amazing how they can pinpoint you. I like them to be about 80 ysd. off.
A call is just another trick for your bag. Hope this helps some.
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