I propose that we the members of the Graybeard Trappping forum vote to authorize our Moderator to enlist the services and experience of the recently returning Rascal to once again this year conduct a photo contests.
I further suggest that there be three catagories; younguns, regular trappers and old farts. If possible the younguns should get a prize, maybe even the regular trappers but the "old Farts" will be in it juat for kicks.
It is timely since the seasons around the country are all just about to open. Also, Rascal is retired, has a lot of spare time on his hands and we need to jump in and help his wife by keeping him busy. One other thing, since the Rascal is back to trapping I suggest that we ask him to donate 30% of his fur check to the prize fund maybe for a year end grand prize for the "old Farts". After all, with his skill that should be enough for the NEW TRUCK that he ducked out on last year :eek: .
Come on now guys vote! Power to the people!
(Joey ain't got no delete botton no more hehehehe :twisted: )