Author Topic: new Obama Executive order...  (Read 754 times)

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new Obama Executive order...
« on: January 03, 2010, 02:26:59 PM »
This was just sent to be by a retired Trooper and a retired Marine, a good guy and a straight shooter. It deserves to be read, understood, considered, and passed on....<><....:)
On 17 Dec 2009, President Barack Obama altered Presidential Order # 12425 signed by President Reagan in 1983 which recognized the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
President Obama's Presidential Order removed twenty-six (26) words from President Reagan's original Presidential Order # 12425.  The removal of those twenty-six (26) words places INTERPOL beyond the reach Of American Law or Congressional Review?
"As former Fed prosecutor Andy McCarthy notes in National Review, "Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?" [source, Why Does Interpol Need Immunity From American Law?"
The mainstream press is completely silent. 
SF Byron
Forwarded from Tom Constantine
Until this morning when a good friend emailed me regarding this matter----I was functioning under the assumption  (we all are aware what that does) that everyone in USA was aware of this. This is not Internet nonsense,  this is an absolute, irrefutable  fact. As a matter of fact when someone sent it to me a day or two after our current president and chief executive  signed this executive order, authorized and promulgated by no one other than himself,  I sent it off to an attorney and conservative political activist in New York City. I asked, “ Is this for real”—and more importantly “Is this CONSTITUTIONAL?” After forty eight hours he replied, “ I can’t believe this---it’s accurate—the president actually did it.”  Meanwhile there has been zero media coverage---I mean NONE. Obama cleverly sneaked it by just prior to the Christmas holiday and the great thinkers who think, great thoughts, the omniscient, omnipotent and omni present,  like Limbaugh, Hannity,  O’Reilly, Stein, Levin were Pearl Harbored while they were traipsing and languishing around beaches, resorts, and golf courses. Guess this shows that Christmas is a great time to attack USA. Hope Al Qaeda doesn’t figure this out! (pun intended) There is now a flood of information pouring out on this.
In a nut shell as far as I can decipher this  is the consequence of this executive order: INTERPOL ( which is the police arm of the UNITED NATIONS) now has unfettered access to US sovereign territory. INTERPOL may conduct  criminal and  other investigation unfettered by supervision by and autonomous of the US Department of Justice. INTERPOL may bring criminal complaints against US citizens and I gather the cases would be heard by the WORLD COURT in the Hague. The GUARANTEES the  US CONSTITUTION  affords ALL US CITIZENS  re SEARCH and SEIZURE , SELF INCRIMINATION, RENDITION, EXTRADITION   etc is no longer APPLICABLE. In the event INTERPOL causes GRIEVOUS INJURY to ANY US CITIZEN  by virtue of MALFEASANCE , INTERPOL is now IMMUNE from any CRIMINAL or CIVIL CONSEQUENCE. They have been granted COMPLETE DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY.
Our president in essence has given INTERPOL the right and privilege to kick your door down at 0200 hours, drag you out and transport you to Europe for criminal prosecution and LEGALLY there is nothing anyone in USA can do to stop them.
This is what the brain dead electorate, the colossally short sighted and ignorant voters of America allowed to happen to themselves by virtue of electing this fraud, this imposter to the highest elective office of the land.  I can just hear the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth when Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen begin coming for Americans in the dark of night.
Can’t happen?  Really?  With the stroke of a pen—our president made it happen. I think history bears out that the entire population of one country was deluded into granting one man  the presidency
of their nation because he offered hope and change and within two years that man was able to wrest unquestionable control and later deadly control from the entire population .
People in authority, generally, follow orders. That is what they are trained to do. Nurenburg and everything else aside is nonsense. There is a very fine line that one crosses without notice.
One would hope that all Americans in positions of authority would say---No—I will not inform on nor would I assist in the arrest of my neighbor. It doesn’t work that way. People by nature protect their own bowl of rice. As long as it happens to the “other guy” it is none of my business.  Pay attention folks. This is  why we need a small, less intrusive government. There is always some individual
In government who knows what’s best for you and your family and is quite willing to twist your arm until you comply.
Now we must deal with this immediate threat from the White House. Our founding fathers were well aware of the perils of government, hence the scrupulous introduction of the 2nd Amendment to our
Constitution: The right to bear arms! 
Semper Fidelis
Tom Constantine
US Marine  Ret
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 10:24 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Obama Executive Order Alters Your Legal Protections
Obama Executive Order Alters Your Legal Protections
By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

With the signing of an under-publicized amendment to Executive Order 12425, Barack Obama has fundamentally altered your constitutional rights. His actions are undermining your rights to protect personal privacy from a foreign internationalist police agency named Interpol. A one-paragraph executive order may seem inconsequential to many, but this action has far reaching implications and threatens the sovereignty of America.
Obama's secretive Executive Order amended an order issued by President Reagan in 1983. Reagan's order recognized Interpol as an International Organization and gave it privileges and immunities commonly extended to foreign diplomats. Reagan opened the door to allow Interpol to operate in partnership with the U.S. but with significant constitutional safeguards. Specifically, Interpol's property and assets remained subject to search and seizure by American law enforcement, and its archived records remained subject to public scrutiny under provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Interpol had to answer to the FBI and U.S. courts under Reagan's order. These safeguards were stripped away by Obama's action the week before Christmas without debate or explanation. Obama picked the holiday season to make this radical change to minimize media coverage.
This order marks a significant change in federal policy and usurps the constitutional power of our government by yielding it to an international organization. Michael van Der Galien writes, "This foreign law enforcement organization can operate free of an important safeguard against government and abuse. Property and assets, including the organization's records, cannot now be searched or seized. Their physical operational locations are now immune from U.S. legal and investigative authorities."
Obama has given an international organization unsupervised freedom to investigate Americans on our own soil without recourse or the supervision of our own government.
Andy McCarthy writing for the National Review asks some very significant questions: "Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies?
Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?"
Interpol is the enforcement arm of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The United States never signed onto the Rome Treaty which created the ICC because of the potential for abuse by foreign interests. Obama has signaled he may sign the treaty over these objections and subject Americans to prosecution overseas in the ICC. This is harmful for two reasons.
First, the U.S. Constitution clearly states that it is the supreme law of our land and allowing the ICC to supersede the U.S. Constitution violates America's sovereignty. Second, the War on Terror is unpopular with Europeans and the ICC may attempt to prosecute heroic American soldiers with trumped up war crimes. Obama is putting brave American men and women at grave risk.
An added wrinkle to this executive order is that Interpol's operations center for the United States is housed within our own Justice Department. Many of the agents are Americans who work under the aegis of Interpol. This order has potentially created the new civilian security force that Obama proposed during his campaign. This group of law enforcement officials is no longer subject to the restraints enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
The order guarantees that Interpol officers have immunity from prosecution for crimes they may commit in the United States. Ironically, some Interpol nations are attempting to try American intelligence agents for their work abroad in the War on Terror.
This order shows blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution. While Obama is extending due process rights to terrorists he is weakening those same rights for American citizens. If a citizen were to be prosecuted by Interpol their newly granted immunity would interfere with the discovery process. Since Interpol files are immune to disclosure, a citizen could be denied his right to see the information used to prosecute him or her.
Obama's executive order has done more to weaken civil liberties than the much maligned Patriot Act. The silence in the mainstream media on this issue should scare all freedom loving Americans. Obama just signed away parts of our precious legal protections.
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Re: new Obama Executive order...
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 03:42:15 AM »
Now all we need is another natural (or un-natural) disaster. Can anyone imagine what this would do in the wake of another 9-11 or even Katrina? Of what value is a neutered Bill of Rights?