Author Topic: ID Help  (Read 407 times)

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Offline Smoothbore

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ID Help
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:24:05 AM »
I am in need of some help in identification of a rifle recently acquired.  I picked it up at a, more or less, garage sale, from a lady who only knew it as a "CZ."  It apparently had belonged to a friend or relative.

It is a semi-auto with a side folding blade bayonet.  It has what I would call a black "krinkle" finish.  The stock is, I believe, some type of composite under the finish.  The upper forepiece is metal and snaps on or off.

What may also help in an id is the ammo, a couple of hundred rounds were included.  The box ends were labeled:  7,62-Kr-52  ....41/56-bxn, this latter also is the headstamp on rounds. 

I did a search on CZ rifles but found nothing of any use.  If any of you military rifle guru's can enlighten me it would be very much appreciated.


Offline Freightman

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Re: ID Help
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 01:00:16 PM »
Sounds like a VZ 52 which had two loadings one was 7,62x45 and the other a later model was in 7.62x39. It is a good shooter but the ammo for the 7.62x45 is all but imposable to find, LEE does sell dies and Graff & Sons has the brass. Have fun
The ammo you got it very corrosive, more so than the surplus 8mm and Russian.