Author Topic: p3at record  (Read 1126 times)

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Offline slim rem 7

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p3at record
« on: March 14, 2010, 12:48:14 AM »
 id be interested in reading of cases where this little rnd caused somebody to get beat to death ,due to
 just not hitting the bg hard enough to stop them....[note to self] if a fella weighs 300 or so an winter clothes to boot .. shoot for the face an neck area..that face area is still my choice of target..
you hittim in the nose, eye,chin,adams apple or anywhere in the face,, hes gonna be messed up pretty good ,if not dead.. jmo slim
 ps you have got 6-7 rnds of trying for it,,after all. :)

Offline doubleaes2

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 06:20:04 AM »
You do realize that .380 is chambered in other firearms besides the P3AT?  If I was going to hit someone, I would hit them with something a little heavier than the P3AT, say, a hammer or a baseball bat. 

If you're talking about shooting someone, we all know it's about shot placement, not the size of your gun. ;)

If you really want to learn about the round, " id be interested in reading of cases...", then Google is your friend.

A gun is a tool. No better, no worse than any other tool. A hammer, a shovel, or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the person using it.

Offline Graybeard

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 10:03:03 AM »
Kel-Tec makes basically the same size gun as the P32 which I have and do at times carry as my only gun. I have a friend who lives on a farm that has his P32 in his pocket at all times roaming around his farm. He's dispatched a bunch of four legged critters with it but luckily so far no need to use it on two legged predators.

I some times wonder how effective my little P32 would be with the Winchester 60 grain Silver Tips I carry in it. They are from what I've read THE round to use in the .32 acp but at that are a bit on the weak side. Still I tend to think one or two in the chest would take the fight otta most anyone not hyped up on dope and for the most part I don't go to places where folks hyped up on dope are likely to hang out.

The other day we were walking from the store back to our truck in the parking lot and I was doing as I always do and had my head constantly moving left to right and occasional looking behind me. I try to stay on full alert when walking to and fro in parking lots as their have been a lot of robberies, abductions and rapes as well as a few killings in large parking lots in this area. I figure if I see the threat coming in time I have a lot better chance of dealing with it than if I'm taken by surprise so I don't plan to be taken by surprise.

I saw a fellow walking across the parking lot that really made me think of what the heck would I do if I needed to use that puny little P32 on him. At the time I was carrying considerably more fire power but still that big burly fellow made me wonder. He was well over 6' tall perhaps 6' 4" or more and had to have weighted close to 400 pounds. There was a lot of mass to get thru to get to his heart/lungs. It was a warm day so no heavy coat but it did make me wonder what if you were to be attacked by such a person with heavy clothes, just what the heck would be enough gun for the job.

Now he was no threat of course just another fat rascal not unlike myself heading into the store to buy something but there are a lot of big folks like him around and I'm sure some really are bad guys. I'd sure hate to have such a large bad guy come after me wearing a heavy coat and need to stop him with that little P32. Made me wonder if perhaps it should become a BUG rather than a primary but then it seldom goes along as a primary and for sure not in winter.

It was a sobering thought tho about the "what if's" we all should think of regarding our personal and family safety. Kinda made me think how much more comforting the G27 would be than the little P32 should I need to defend against a big bad guy of such proportions.

Still I mostly feel pretty good carrying the little P32 or the S&W 638 tho the G27 is a more comforting one to have should the need to actually use it develop. I mostly just do not go to areas that present much of a threat however. Going to the grocery store or to Wal-Mart on rare occasions are about as dangerous a place as I go to.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline Markus

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 06:51:02 AM »
Bill, I'm 6' 1" and about 290 right now and I mdang sure don't want to take a couple 32 acps in the chest. :o

I'd much rather be remembered for being a great shot than having the most expensive gun

Offline tfranklin7

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2010, 01:02:33 PM »

This is what I use in my Kel-Tec P32 , Buffalo Bore .32 ACP +P Ammo - 75 gr. Hardcast F.N. (1150fps/ M.E. 220 ft. lbs.)

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Offline uncledub

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2010, 01:38:35 PM »
I gotta get some of that. For my P32, P3AT, and maybe something for my PF9
Young guys should listen to Old guys, they know stuff.

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Offline Ron T.

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 01:35:15 AM »
IF I knew I was going to be the victim of an attack by a "bad guy", I'd be carrying my 12 gauge riot (shotgun) gun... but to carry it even once-in-a-while would be a major pain in the fanny!

If they didn't weigh so much and weren't so hard to conceal, I'd constantly carry one of my 1911A1's in .45 ACP, but that's not "reality".

The "bottom line" is that I constantly carry the little P3AT (.380) 'cause it's small and light... and the vast majority of time, I don't even feel it in my pocket, but the few times the "situation" began to look like it might get "unpleasant", it SURE was reassuring to feel the "heft" of the P3AT's 10 ounces or so in my pocket together with his 7 "little friends".

No... the .380 isn't a big, bad round... but it's a whole lot better than "nothing"... and considerably better than a knife or club.

I carry the P3AT (legally... I have my CCW permit) because it will, in a time-of-need, get-the-job-done with reasonable bullet placement.  In the past several years, my pistol has stopped what was going to be "aggressive action" by one or, in one case, multiple potential "attackers" in four instances.

Just "showing" it stopped three of the potential attacks and caused the aggressors to become very "polite" and "reasonable".  I only had to shoot on one occasion at which point the attacker decided to "retire" from the scene and left the immediate area at warp speed.  

Fortunately, my shots missed him (I think... he didn't wait around so I could see if he was bleeding) which eliminated the hassle that was sure to come if I had hit him.  The sheriff (who was called by a neighbor upon hearing the shooting) told me that if it should happen again, I should wait until the potential rapist (of my then young & pretty wife) was INSIDE my home before "taking-care-of-business" (this happened 50 years ago).  There had been several house-breakings followed by the rape of the female inside the home in the area in which we then lived during the previous 3 months... and the sheriff felt that the fella I shot at was possibly the rapist since his actions prior to my intervention were very similar to the previous rapes.

What gave me "pause" was that, in my mind, I was SORRY I "missed" !~!~!   >:(

After thinking about it later, I was surprised that my intent turned so deadly so quickly when I felt my wife was very likely his "target"... I really WANTED to "nail" that SOB... and put an end to his "career" !!!  But then... back then, I was young & dumb... and didn't think things through.

Attacks by criminals happen SUDDENLY... and we're often not really "prepared" for them.  It's a real shame we have to deal with such things... but that's "reality".

I'd rather NOT carry a gun... it's a pain-in-the-azz and carries with doing so a tremendous responsibility...  and I wish "carrying" wasn't necessary, but sadly, that's just not the case in these days of liberal judges, profitable crime, the wide-spread use of drugs and aggressive predator-criminals who don't give-a-darn about their victims.

Jus' my 2¢...

Strength & Honor...

Ron T.

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Offline jager

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Re: p3at record
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 06:38:44 AM »
I carry the "little" Keltec P3AT all the time because of its size and concealablility. Like GB, I sometimes wonder if its big enough to do the job on a big assailant. I "stagger" load hollow points and FMJ loads to insure penetration and figure if I can't get a shot to the head/neck area I'd go for the "crotch" since it would then make it harder for them to chase me ;). Ron T. has a good point, if I know I'm going to an area I can expect an attack, I'll strap on a couple of bigger guns! The P3AT is just "insurance" when my deoderant stops working!