hey 22, ever tried to cut shooting lanes in state forest in PA? or how about anational forest? you wouldnt be hunting anymore. even worse, you wouldnt be sleeping in your own bed. and your cell mate bubba, he would be very happy you cut nice shooting lanes. i dont make any apologies for taking 5 or 7 shots at deer. matter of fact, i am in pa this week for the opener and tomorrow, if i have a nice buck standing in thick cover, i will be launching 243 diameter bullets at him till he drops. if i have to reload, i will. if it takes 14 shots, fine. i will keep shooting until he goes down. sorry, but this doesnt make me any more or less ethical than any other hunter. they call it hunting. sometimes things die, sometimes they get wounded and sometimes both. dont like it? take up golf. i get tired of people saying "you have to have more respect for your quarry". biggest bunch of hog wash i ever heard. try telling a dead deer, bear, elk, "hey mr elk, i really respect you". dont think they care when they are dead. we still are killing them, no love or respect there. sure, there is love for hunting, love for the sport, love for humans, love of self (for some people) but no love for anything you are killing. thats a total oxy moron.