On wire stretchers for coon, cut the wire on bottom so you have two ends sticking out either horizontally or the vertical wires and put a 6 inch board in ..... You can then pleat yr coon to the 6 inch size........ Now saying that we have coon up here in Wisconsin that i use nine and twelve inch boards on bottom ( i use all wood Nafa spec style boards made out of bass wood). Even with these wide boards i have trouble sometimes pleating...... If you dont know what pleating is it is taking hide and pinching together and pin on each side of pinch and keep going ( on bottom of hide) till you have all excess loose hide pinned up. Some places you can get away with a six inch bottom board as that is the size of your coon. But not up here in WIsconsin , Minn , Mich. I use alot of 160 conibears for coon in trail sets so water doesnt hurt ..... also griz traps, some box traps and on foot holds water can be 8 or 10 inches deep and you will still catch coon. ..... water rises raise traps higher .