Author Topic: Anyone know which stocks interchange between 760, 7600, 742, 7400, 870 and 1100?  (Read 966 times)

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Offline smong2000

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I was told that all the models listed above have interchangable stocks and only the forends are different.  ??? Can anyone here tell me for sure if that's true?

Offline wink_man

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760, 7600, 742 & 7400 stocks will interchange. All 4 of those will interchange with an 870, ONLY if the 870 stock is for a 20 gauge 'lightweight' model(post 1977). I could be wrong but I don't believe the 1100 stock will interchange, and if it does, it would be under the same conditions as the 870, ie 20 gauge 'lightweight' stock(post 1977).
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Offline smong2000

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Thanks Gary. I knew someone would come through eventually.