For my winter coats, used to just carry in the right outside pocket. My carry at this time is a Bersa .380 DA/SA, it's 100% reliable. Four spare 7-round magazines go in the left pocket, I'll be getting two more soon - which, with one round in the chamber, will mean I will have 50 rounds available. But the pocket is very awkward to get it out of in a vehicle. The jackets have an inside left pocket, so that is where it is carried now, easily available.
For warmer weather I wear a denim vest I converted to concealed carry, and a light jacket over it. In warm weather I wear the vest over my shirt.
Originally I was going to buy a concealed carry vest, until I saw the prices. Then cut a back pocket off a pair of old jeans and was going to sew that on the left inside of the vest, but then the threads would show, and it would have been a lot of work. So that's when I had a stroke of genius. Glue the steenkin' pocket it. I'd already tested the glue idea in repairing a torn shirt, and it works fine. I used Titebond II wood glue. Put a whole lot of glue around the outside edge of the pocket and pressed it in place. Put some weight on the glue lines for a bit, then let it set overnight to set. And it works just great. I've read threads in various forums where people are afraid their piece will 'imprint' if carried in a pocket, well no problem on that for me, because it doesn't. I have not washed the vest yet, but have tested this on the shirt I repaired. Just toss it in the washing machine, wash. When it is finished the glue is very weak and the patch will easily pull off, so don't touch it. You can press it back if you do mess with it tho, then just toss it in the dryer. When it comes out of the dryer the glue seems to be back to original strength. Now I'll see if I can find a picture of the vest. OK, did. If the vest flops open the pistol is completely out of sight and the pocket is very difficult to see, so no worry about someone freaking by seeing a holstered gun, and it's accessabilt in or out of a vehicle. It's as handy, or handier, than a shoulder holster, and I find it a lot less bother. The spare magazines are carried in the left outside pocket, nicely to hand also. Works for me.
I glued a strip along the top of the pocket, to raise it a bit, make it a bit deeper, and to strengthen it a bit. I've been using it for I guess at least a year with no problems whatsoever.