OK-OK-OK i'm early-those other folks recieveing cards will not be so lucky-we are just making tha pictures this week.
was in the store today and christmas decorations were up, an well i got to thinking, bout you folks well,er :oops: .
anywho- just a small thought for all who i have gotten to know thru tha wire this year. ya'll have been a blessing to me. i have had fun and have learned a bunch frum ya all.
thanks fer putting up with me. i know i can be hard on tha nerves, but ya'll held up well.
thanx mr an mrs graybeard-blessings to you and yours. may you prosper and the lord shine his face upon you.
to the rest of you scoundrels-an ya know who i'm talkin too. blessings from me for you and yours. remember the lord who made ya and saved ya from yourownselves.
blessings in christ jesus