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Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:02:20 PM »
Of course, I'm also older then I've ever been. Coldest season I can remember. Been deer hunting in Kansas for a lot of years. Froze out after the first two days, saw one deer, said this is stupid, and went home. Bought warmer clothes, boots, and lots of hand warmers. Came back in the second season, with one of my sons. I did manage to shoot one doe, son shot two. We hunt on my nephews ranch, in South Central Kansas. There is a Texan, behind every tree. A lot of the places we used to hunt, have either been bought or leased by Texans. My nephew tells me there are now 28 corn feeders (that he knows of) within a four mile circle of his house. Can't blame the local farmers and ranchers, they are only trying to survive, just another crop to them. I am afraid deer hunting for the average non land owner in Knasas will soon be a thing of the past. I'm probably old enough I won't see that, but my sons will.  Boomer
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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 03:06:31 PM »
why would Texans go to Kansas and hunt Kansas deer?

Offline Kansas Boomer

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 03:23:36 PM »
I think, because land and lease prices are about half of what they are in Texas!!!   Boomer
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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 05:21:18 AM »
 :D And also because the deer are two to three times the size of those little Texas deer. The racks on Kansas deer look small but some are far bigger than Texas runts. If it was up to me I would price a non-res. tag way too high and let the people who live here keep the deer to hunt.

Offline Buckskin

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 05:26:16 AM »
I know lots of guys who live here in Wisconsin that go to Kansas every year and bag multiple P&Y's every year.  Unbelievable the quality of deer that area puts out.  And yes they aren't the mini scrub brush eating texas deer with toothpick racks, they have body and antler mass.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 07:11:17 AM »
I believe Kansas has made the state too non-resident friendly.  At first I was in favor of the new numbers of tags... but what it has functionally done is  hurt the resident hunter who does not own land.  Kansas should help their own hunters more than worry about maximizing their income from tag sales. 

I would like to see most units require a point or two to draw... that would probably be enough to move the pressure to states that can guarentee a non-resident tag every year.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2010, 08:04:26 AM »
I think the management should be left up to the land owners not the government.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2010, 09:31:39 AM »
I think the management should be left up to the land owners not the government.
That would still not help the resident who does not own land... the majority of Kansas hunters.  I own land.  My family and my wife's family own land.  I'm not saying this because it affects me, but rather because I'm concerned about the future for hunting if we price the average resident out of the game.  Our limited public land is being overrun with out of staters and lease prices are becoming unreasonable.  It isn't hard to remember back 5 or more years ago when those things weren't an issue.

There needs to be a balance.  I love hunting in other states.  Most years I'll hunt 4-6 states and a province or two.  I want others to be able to experience Kansas the way I can experience Wyoming or Missouri.  But the quality the makes the Kansas experience great must be maintained or the whole point is moot.  I do not believe the current system adequately protects the quality.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2010, 11:15:59 AM »
Well, when the quality drops, so will the lease prices and the number of out of stater's.  Good for the land owners for getting those lease prices. It will be up to them to make sure the quality of the animals doesn't drop.  I don't hunt Kansas, but the same deal is in Wisconsin, every tom, dick and harry can buy a license.  And it's the landownwers and leasers that protect the quality.  The government just f's it up.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2010, 01:53:37 PM »
Well we saw a lot of deer.Missed the biggest buck of my life and I've been deer hunting since 1973.Did get cold too.As far as the leasing bit goes,I and my boys(four of them)have lost three places to people with more money than we would match.Can't blame the landowners tough.It's their biggest cash crop.I'm lucky as I still have two different places I can hunt.My sons have found places also.I just miss the hunting together we used to do.Neither of us can bring anyone else to the places we go.Out of staters have taken over the State lands that i've been on and have for the last five or six years.Outfitters are another PIMA.Slow
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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2010, 04:32:18 AM »
Hunters from other states think there is a B&C in every section!!  Their perception from TV shows is that Kansas is overun with huge bucks.  Couple that with hunters from the south where a 125 P&Y draws a crowd and you have a disaster waiting to happen.  Case in point:  A rancher friend of mine had 9 hunters from Arkansas and they all went home with bucks--yes from 115 inches and up.  They don't care about our resourses or the fact that you can't shoot all the young bucks and then expect to find monsters the next year.  It has taken time but the out of state permits have literally ruined big buck hunting where I live plus leased up a lot of my old spots I have hunted for years.  I am a 67year old bowhunter and will probably eventually slow down a little bit but it still hurts when you think or realize things will probably never get better.   
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2010, 05:41:43 AM »
It's no difference any where in the country.  Land is getting leased up all over the place. Nothing wrong with that either, if it has a value that value should be utilized.  There is no reason why a land owner should let someone hunt for free if he can get something for it, his choice.  As far as QDM, that is something that the land owner or the leasee can control.  Doesn't make much sense to kill all the little bucks on your lease, unless all you want to do is shoot deer.  I can say this, in Wisconsin leased land areas are much more QDM consience than when leasing hunting land was unheard of.  More big buck are getting shot than ever in Wisconsin, even though the DNR has crippled the herd #'s.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2010, 01:49:18 PM »
I feel it was a mistake and injustice to liberalize the out of state hunt rules.
In my little town of 3200 there are 2 commercial hunting outfits that have leased up all of the decent land.  I don't much care for that. 
Great for them, but rotten for all of us who used to enjoy the outdoors where we live.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2010, 06:32:56 PM »
I believe Mossy Oak preaches the " Pass It On " to our youth. What ever happened to hunting being about family, time together, teaching our son's and daughter's about a time honored tradition, memory's that will last forever. Well thanks to the all mighty dollar that's out the window, and people can't figure out why kids are taking guns to school. If we Joe average people could afford to hunt right here at home and abroad as with other states and their residents and be able to pass it on then maybe just maybe things might change a little.

Yes I know that hunting is not the sole cause of the deterioration of our country so please don't tell me about it. It is just a start, SOME THING'S MONEY CAN'T BUY PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'( :'( :'(. If money can buy everything I want to see someone buy the memory of your sons first big buck kill. Can't be done, you have to take him, teach him, spend time with him, and that is what hunting is all about. I don't blame the farmer for trying to make a living, but don't price our kids childhood memorys out of existence.
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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2010, 07:40:11 AM »
I don't know if Mossy Oak is the best representative in what you are talking about...It's all about the almighty dollar for them and they almost exclusively hunt leased land.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2010, 05:59:15 AM »
You are right, but the commercials sure are funny when a grandpa and a group of younger guys the sons and grandsons are all on the front porch with pass it on as a theme. Just wait one of these days we will have to list how many times we hunt and fish on our taxes and how many harvest we get. I remember as a kid if we noticed a place that looked good we jumped the fence and hunted or fished, don't try that today and for good reason. I just wish we as people could keep the simple things in life just that SIMPLE.
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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2010, 04:59:27 AM »
I just wish we as people could keep the simple things in life just that SIMPLE.

I couldn't agree more!

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2010, 08:54:23 PM »
kansas Boomer where in south centrel kansas do u hunt? I live right on the ok and kansas state line, Talk about texans there all over up here also,leaseing land that a local guy could hunt but not any more.I just dont think they know how to hunt they have corn feeders all over here to, tower blinds as big as a small camper up in there air,There is no hunting to it to me sitting there the deer hears the feeder go off and they come running and blast a big buck.Here in oklahoma feeding deer during season was illegal but not any more they can feed them through season.I think the reson okla likes the out of staters so well because the sales of tags and license is what pays the game wordens wages.I was told they dont get payed buy the state dont know how true that is.I was born and raised here all my life and its hard for a local guy like me to find a place to hunt, there is a few farmers that have plenty of money that dont lease to any 1 and they let me hunt but that might come to a end any time soon.Another thing about these texans all they want to shoot is horns thay dont want to shoot a doe or 2 for meat,they think just because they lease the place out they act like they own the land i have herd some bad storys of what some of them have done,heck some of them got enough money to buy land around here just for hunting.
1 shot 1 kill

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2010, 03:55:43 AM »
Yup this is pretty late :-[
Second day of season, buddy loaded his 4 wheeler with out the ramps. Hospital visit a few staples in the head and a large bruise on his back :'(.
Third evening, by myself. Stepped in a ground hog hole covered in corn stalks. Knee got bentleft and right rather than forward and back. Still wearing a brace 3+ months later.
Hunted one more day after that and my kne got so stiff had to take another couple of days off work.
Uh, no deer either. Dunno if I could have even bent the knee to gut, drag and load by myself

I have mixed emotions about the leases through out the state. If managed right rather than "raping" a lease it will profit and grow. I have ived in Kansas all of my life. I have lived at this location for right at 40 years as of today. When I was growing up and stomping the woods, you never ever saw a deer or turkey nor any sign of one.
Now today, just this AM there were 9 deer and 6 turkeys in the garden. Which has actaully became some type of food plot or so they think. The KDWP act all concerned on the over population of deer. Well it AIN'T the bucks causing the problems. I have a big doe that is going on 5 years old that hangs behind my house. I can tell here from otheres pretty easy as she has a white ear. She is as wide across the hind end as a small mule. The first year I saw her she had one fawn with her. The second she had two and raised both of those as far as I could tell. The third,forth and last year she had three and raised all of them but one!
 The kicker is there is another doe that has been showing up off and on that has had three fawns also. I highly suspect her to be one of the offspring of tha fore mentioned. A neighbor east and south of me has somthing of the same thing going.

What I am getting at is if the KDWP wants to thin the heard back in certain areas there are a lot of ways to go about it.
Residents get one buck tag and a doe tag, for the price of a buck tag. Or somthing to that effect
Non residents, pretty much the same only make it a combo and they have to pay for the doe tag. Makes folks more inclined to "harvest" one rather than let one walk.
Quit having the "antlerless only" season so dang late. I say this because I have seen  some bucks drop their horns unusually early in years past. A friend was managing the better part of a section and had a good bunch of sizeable bucks hanging around. The ratio was way out of whack from what he had been advised though. Sooooooooo come late, antlerless season they are going to cull a few doe's. The first day 4 guys hunted all of them killed what they thought were does only to be young bucks with one 4 year old that had dropped their horns.

Quit having the dang rifle season during a FULL moon phase. This has got to be the stupidst thing that goes on. Call KDWP and talk to some one in the "know" and they tell you it has nothing to do with the habits of deer. Then explain to me why I see deer at normal hours the first day or two, then nothing? Go by a wheat field after dusk and see them everywhere. "OH" that is because of the "hunting pressure". Sorry gents, that dog don't hunt either.
I have coon hunted enough in years past that most full moon phases, one is best to stay home a large percentage of the time. Of course unless you just need to get out of the house and try and round up board dogs.

Rant off.

I have lost roughly 3-5000 acres of hunting land across the state to leases. This is way more than the general population will or would have ever had. I didn't get that much by not making a LOT of friends. Those friends are still my friends leased out or not. I refuse to pay to play for the most part. I will hunt my small plots of 30-80 acres and take what all of the "orange army" pushes to me in mid season ;). I would rather show up to hunt and end up fixing fence all day long or working cows, hauling corn or what ever the chore may be, than to think I need to hunt because I paid $XXXX to do so. Some of my best days hunting I went home with out ever pulling a gun out of a case, and, I prefer to stay that way.

I swore I would never hunt with a "stick and string". Well with all of the "meat" walking around in the garden/food plot, that has changed. Not nearly as hard to shoot as I had thought it would be. Actually find it kind of relaxing when one gets their self control under raps.

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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2010, 09:46:34 AM »
I have always said that one should have to buy an antlerless tag first. Once filled have the doe checked at a check station, then be able to purchase a buck tag if a person chooses. The antlerless only season needs to be sooner also, I very much agree. Three years ago I smoked a giant doe so I thought till I got to her and noticed the sores on her head where her antlers had fell off. You are also correct about the full moon thing, a full moon is a giant porch light to them for feeding all night long.....
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Re: Worst deer season I ever had!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2010, 12:05:00 PM »
Backstrap, I hunt between Medicine Lodge and Coldwater, down near the Ok. line. This may have been my last deer season. On my KDWP survey, I told them I wasn't buying any more anterless permits, they could sell them to the non residents. Boomer
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