Most 348's have an extremely short throat, which starts and ends just ahead of the case neck. The best choice bullet that I offer, if your gun is normal, is my LCFN in 250 gr, with no crimp groove. You crimp lightly with the Lee factory crimp die with bullets seated at the maximum length that will feed and chamber easy. If your rifles throat is longer than normal, which you can proove by a throat slug, preferably, or by seating a bullet backward and out to touch rifling when chambered, the LFN may be a better choice, and it is best if you want a bullet weight lighter than 250 gr.
Most of these rifles, even the new manufacture copies, need a bullet diameter of .350 to shoot well.
I've made quite a few 405 molds but they vary more than the 348's do, so we'll have to do some more intense measuring and fitting on that one. Hit me at my new email address and I'll walk you through it.