“It seemed like a good idea at the time”. I have used chamber adapters before, and have had no problems. I have an FN49 in 30-06, and wanted to shoot 308 in it; so I bought a chamber adapter. This time I put Permatex blue threadlocker on it. I don’t know what went wrong, but the bullet and adapter stopped short of the end. This threadlocker is awesome stuff; some got on the bullet and I had to pound the cartridge out of the chamber. But now the adapter is stuck and cannot remove it! I first tried a broken shell extractor, which just kept slipping off. Then I tried Cerrosafe, it would not hold the adapter, as I pounded out the mould, the adapter striped out the Cerrosafe. I now believe this is beyond my recourses. Can some one give me the name of a good gunsmith who has works on FN49s or has solved this problem successfully. I live in Florida, but will send it anywhere to get fixed.