This is my 3rd CVA muzzleloader, following the Buckhorn and Kodiak Pro, both of which are fine guns, but I have to say that in terms of pure black powder simplicity, workmanship and accuracy, this is the best of the lot. I've tried several load combinations but the best in this 50 cal Accura is the Winchester 777 209 primer, 80 gr of 777 powder and a 250 grain Harvester Saber tooth bullet. At 75 yards, which is just about the maximum shot where I hunt whitetails, these are right on, almost touching each other in a 3 shot grouping. I've given up the center fire rifle, hunting solely with the muzzleloader and the Accura is just a wonderfully balanced, smooth shooting piece. To all those critics of CVA, I simply say that this is not your father's CVA firearm, as BPI knows what they're doing. Anyone that passes these up in favor of the higher priced guns because of the decades old, before it was BPI, CVA barrel blowups is a fool.