Hey Jim,
I like those sights on my Sig 228, but have good success with the 'cheap remedy' for my single six. BTW, the goat idea is really cool. My better half is a vet, and we are looking into Llamas as soon as we can afford a place with some land. Have you ever packed with Llamas? They are great animals to pack into camp and also haul out the meat with. The ones I've seen don't even get spooked when you get them near the dead bear or elk either. Plus, you can haul out more game with less pack animals. I don't think mixing them with horses is a good idea, unless the horse has been around or raised with the llamas. Every time I see a new horse around llamas, it(the horse) seems scared or a little spooked. Sometimes, it wears off with a little time after introduction, for others, they just don't seem to care for Llamas. I don't know exactly why, maybe they fear the llama may be some type of predator, or see them as a possible threat to the pecking order? Those pack animals sure do make hunting in the wilderness a great experience don't they! Not to mention the fact, your back is saved a lot of grief, and you can extend your hunting range so much farther.