Author Topic: What happened to the tom's  (Read 995 times)

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Offline Big Nasty

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What happened to the tom's
« on: May 25, 2010, 09:56:49 AM »
All I have seen lately are stinking hens, it seems like the tom's disappeared. Any one have a logical explanation, the hens are in my decoys every day and still no toms. I had plenty of tom;s in archery season and I even manged to stick one but I never found it, but I did find my arrow 4 weeks later. Once shotgun opened I still used my bow, and now with the end coming soon I got out the shotgun in hopes of closing the deal, and they are gone.
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Offline prairiedog555

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Re: What happened to the tom's
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 05:59:40 AM »
I live in NE Kansas and I experienced the same.  I started out in first week in March, using my Vid Cam.  Plenty of Toms, then when gun season opened up, nothin.  I kind of thought it might be that hot weather we had in April that maybe messed things up.  I have never seen a season like this, and I get out alot, hunt 10min from home, most of my buddies had same luck.

Offline KansasPaul

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Re: What happened to the tom's
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 04:07:16 PM »
I saw LOTS of Toms - big puff balls - every morning at 6am in a large field right next to the highway.  The land is owned by a farmer who is into conservation, meaning that he doesn't allow hunters on his land.  Now, in the area where I regularly hunt I saw a few feathers, and a lot of hens.  (I also live in NE Kansas).  I think that prairiedog555 might be on to something regarding the weather pattern - the other thing I noticed was the amount of cover as compared with prior years - stuff greened up early and grew out quick.

.... there's always the fall hunt.   :-\