Author Topic: issues with my Ruger SRH  (Read 400 times)

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Offline irold

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issues with my Ruger SRH
« on: August 22, 2010, 03:23:20 AM »
Gentlemen :
  I'm still having issues with my SRH ( 454 ) , leading badly and accuracy.  I would like to check the cylinder diminisions.  I have seen machined bars that slide into the cylinder, marked .451 , .452 , etc. The ones I saw were individual bars of specific size.  Guess they're basicly a "go - no go" type guage. I've searched both Brownells and Midways web sites , can't find anything like them.  Anyone know what I'm refering to ?  Perhaps I'm not calling them the right name. 

  Also , what type of diminsions would be ideal for the cylinder of my 454 ?  All I know as of now is a .452 bullet will drop straight through.  Seems to have several thousands of slop.  Would an oversized cylinder cause sever leading ?
  I realize ya need a LOT more info to help me would take several pages to totally explain.

   Appreciate any info about the above questions...Thanks

Regards, Irold

Offline Rangr44

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Re: issues with my Ruger SRH
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 10:53:05 AM »
There are cylinder throat gauges which can be tried in the fronts of each chamber of a cylinder, but an inside micrometer's better - since it will give you an exact measurement for each one (the cylinder should be marked to make finding a particular chamber easier).

There is also a tool called a Range Rod, which is sliiped downbore from the muzzle with the action cocked, to ascertain if any chambers are out of alignment with the bore.

Remedies for both situations would require more technical knowledge then is available to most gun owners, so I would suggest that you contact the Ruger Service Dept with your issue(s).

There has been a history of .454 SRH "troubles", and Ruger just might want to service your revolver for the bubble, and even send you a prepaid shipping label should you inquire about it.   ;D

FWIW, It is perfectly legal under Federal Law for ANY gun owner to ship/receive their own firearm (handgun included) to/from ANY firearm FFL, dealer, manufacturer or custon/repair facility, directly WITHOUT going through an FFL holder.

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Offline irold

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Re: issues with my Ruger SRH
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2010, 04:58:52 PM »

   Thanks for the info.  This gun has given me fits , thought I had it fixed.  It was back to Ruger a couple of years ago....the cylinder was binding up.  When it came back , they had replaced the cylinder and in their words.."replaced internal parts"...what ever that means.  Think I'll give them a call , see what they say.

   Any idea where I can buy the cylinder throat guages ?   I used to have access to Starrett " snap guages" , they would have worked well too.  I would imagine they're pretty pricey to buy.

   Thanks again,  irold