Yes, degrease the screws and holes BEFORE appling the loc-Tite.
I have used a great deal of loc-tite, and even the heavy duty stuff comes appart with a bit of heat. No problem.
Used it on equipment - large grounds maintaince mowers - which would shake and wear loose.
Clean up everything with a good degreaser, apply a good coating of Red Loc-Tite and everything stayed in place until I wanted it to come apart.
Then apply heat to the hubs or?? until everything was heated up, put the pullers in place and off they came, NO PROBLEM!
For screws, I take an old screw driver or piece of metal about the size of the screw head, get it good and hot and allow the heat to transfer from that to the screw and surrounding metal.
Might need to do it a time or two, but the Loc-Tote WILL soften and allow the parts to be moved.
Just take your time and make sure things are warmed up, BEFORE attempting to remove.
Keep em coming!