Well, I am learning more all the time about reloading. For instance I did some measuring of factory loads with 100 gn bullets. Here are the results.
Speer Nitrex col 2.604 ogive 2.209
Hornady Interlock col 2.623 ogive 2.225
Fed. Premium Gm King col 2.571 ogive 2.167
Win. power pt. col. 2.646 ogive 2.240
Win. Supreme Ball. Silvertips 55 gn. col 2.645 ogive 2.195
The col measurements dont surprise me, but the ogive measurements do.
I wanted to try to duplicate the Winchester Supreme Bal. Tip load. I took one apart and the powder was 45gn. Looks kind of like the Reloader powder (15). Not ball but that other shape (name escapes me at the moment). But shorter pieces than the Reloader 15 is. It also looks to be over 90% cartridge capacity and the velocity is around 3910 (according to Winchester). No doubt it is a Winchester powder probably 748 or 760 but they do not have the loads/powder type for the 55 gn bullet on their web site as they only go down to the 70 gn bullets. I can get the approx same velocity in my research but not with the same cartridge capacity.
Gee! This is fun!