bill, we have several tamer stock sets on various handi calibers. 45/410, 17hm2, 22lr/410vp, 22mag/vp(rc) and a 20ga. my grandkids really like the tamer stocks.... and me too !!! .460/410 in reduced load .460 (my tractor blaster)

all of them have the same forend, if you look inside the forend about 3" in front of the forend screw hole
there is a plastic raised boss there... drill it out smaller than a sling stud screw and thread it in.
we have 2 like that. and it works real good. just don't drill the pilot hole too big.
i don't like attaching anything to the barrel. but, thats just me

i guess your forends are the same as the ones they have previously made in the past like ours...
i did change the forend on my tractor blaster to a new style checkered synthetic
and the 17hm2 forend to one of them ati tacticle forends. which don't have studs, but are stud ready if needed
we like the stocks !!!!