Author Topic: warm weather carry.  (Read 746 times)

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Offline jimster

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warm weather carry.
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:02:43 PM »
I have recently started carrying something easier for me in warm weather, a 5 shot .38.  After many years of the 1911 in all weather, I now have switched to the revolver in warm weather.  So I'm looking for another quality 5 shot, I would prefer adjustable sights, .38 special, and a three inch is what I like.
I can't find a 3" with adjustable sights in .38 on the S&W site.  I know they make a .357 with adj. sights, I want a .38, and don't want to be talked into a .357.
The one I'm carrying now is a 30 year old Rossi .38, it has a windage adj. rear and 3" tapered barrel. S&W makes a 3", I like the classic mod. 36, but no adjustable sights on that. How come I can't find a S&W 3" .38 with adjustable sights on their site? I think they used to make one at one time?  Was the model 60 or variation made in .38 only at one time? Seems it was.  Hate to sound fussy, but I am.  3"....38...and adjustable sights is what I want.  Is looking for a used S&W the way to go on this?

Offline Bowhunter57

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Re: warm weather carry.
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 03:52:20 PM »
You may have to satisfy your desire for a 3" adj. sight .38spl. with a used revolver. According to what's available from current manufacturers, there are no revolvers available with those specifications. This is most likely due to lack of demand. :(

Typically, adjustable sights are used on a longer barrel, like a 4" or longer barrel, to get the use of a longer sighting radius. If you were to be agreeable to a .357 Mag. revolver, 38spl. ammo could be used in it...even so, I'm not finding one with a 3" barrel. ::)

Most everyone (customer demand) that's using a 2" barreled revolver is using it for a CCW. Once you get into 3" barrled handguns, it's back to 1911s or other such simular actions.

I'd love to get a 1911 for a CCW, but don't want to get into a possible feed jam, whether it's my fault of the weapon's. Therefore, I carry a subby in .357 Mag....very reliable, easy to hide and there's a lot less cost too. ;D

Good luck with your choices!
Good hunting, Bowhunter57
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: warm weather carry.
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 04:30:21 PM »
It is not a .38---buttttt---my .327 mag S&W has adjustable sights.

Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: warm weather carry.
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 04:59:17 PM »
It is not a .38---buttttt---my .327 mag S&W has adjustable sights.

That's a sweet little the way.  8)
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Henry Frap the "Mountain Men"

“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
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