I am not sure about the bullet length versus twist rate connection, what I have noticed is that regardless of bullet length the bullet weight seems to be the biggest factor. The Partitions at 385 gr shot about 5-6 inch groups for me at 50 yards, the Platinum Tip (also winchester) at 400 gr shot ~3 inch groups, and both the BRI's and Lightfields, at 1oz or greater, shot clover leafs in my gun. My dad has a 20 ga with a 1in26" twist that will shoot MOA groups all day long with the Partitions. Also for completeness I shot a three shot group with Hornaday H2K's (300 gr) andthe result was one hole on the paper, which did'nt appear until the second shot!! After noticing the wads flying out of the barrel in every dierction I recovered one and found that they had a deep powder seal that was getting blown appart when it passed the ports in the muzzel brake on my barrel which caused the bullet to be tossed in random directions down range!! Anyone else had thus problem with a ported barrel?