Author Topic: Burris signature Zee Rings  (Read 486 times)

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Offline Possum

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Burris signature Zee Rings
« on: November 26, 2003, 11:23:48 AM »
Anyone ever had a pair of Zee rings not hold a scope with heavy recoil? I have a pair mounted on a 15" 30.06 barrel and where the ring meets the base (right above where the screw goes through the body)  I see a  stress line.  Looks like the Zee ring pivoted and leans forward a little bit.   I took the scope off and remounted the ring on the base.  

I'm not sure if I should add a few more rings or junk it and go with the double dovetail when I get some more moolah.  Anyone got suggestions about what happened and if it might happen again?  I never have had this happen to a ring before.  Kinda makes me want to send it back to Burris.

Offline JJFly

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Sig Rings
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2003, 01:38:44 PM »
Yes, send the stress cracked ring back to Burris, they'll send a new one.  On stuff of the BiggenLoudBoomer variety stick to three rings.  I use 3 rings on all my Encore pistols of 308 parent case and large, your '06 definitely qualifies for that!  Plenty of stress on rings and scope when the round is fired off!

Offline Possum

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Can I?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2003, 03:22:25 PM »
Can I order just one additional signature Zee ring from the factory when they replace the other one?  I guess I would have to coordinate the plastic inserts exactly the same way on the two rings that are the closest together.  

I've got a better one-Maybe if the rings won't hold up to the recoil, Burris needs to put a disclaimer on these rings saying they will not take the heavy recoiling calibers.   Sorry about being aggravated, but after finally getting the premier scope mounting system mounted it's kind of ridiculous I have to worry about it not taking the pressure.  I've used EABCO's three ring system on my Contender and never had a problem.

Anyway, I will call Burris after Thanksgiving and see what they say.  

What three ring system are you using, JJFly?

Offline JJFly

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Burris signature Zee Rings
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2003, 05:35:40 AM »
I use Virgin Valley Guns steel base and 3 Burris Signature Rings.

I'm not saying 2 rings won't do the job.  I'm saying with this kind of thrust on the contact points, 3 is better.  I use the signature rings becuase they don't mark the scope and they grip it MUCH better.  I do have a 2 ring setup on my 14" 45-70.  I just put it on with a CHEAP tasco pistol scope.  I want to see if it will hold up.  My real calibers like my 15" 458Win Mag barrel use 3 rings and a 6 hole base.  Why risk having something break or shake apart on a 2-5K dollar hunt just to skimp on $20.  Penny smart, dollar wise is what my dad called it.