No, i think this is a real good topic, something worth discussing further and i hope other chime in with some advice.
ok , following your scenario, you jump from the taxi and head off into the back alleys or side streets.
waiting till dark , to make your excursion to a general store for supplies.
seeking shelter till dark would involve two basic and opposing principles.
firstly, a defensible location, but more of a lock yourself in, type of thing, so as not to have to fight off any would be attackers and draw attention to yourself.
conversely, you could hole up in a location that others may not want to enter, a bombed out house, sewer, burned down car or something like that.
i think it is safer to hole up in a location that others have already picked over and see as a waste of time and energy. in a urban area, dumpsters or burned down buildings, and the sewer systems come to mind right off. these locations are temporary, and only need to support you until nightfall.
and, i am a believer in the 'keep moving' doctrine. im not one for having something you need to defend, too risky. i think the scavenge, nomad mentality works better then putting all your stores in one location and having to stay put and defend it.
i took a short walk in my neighborhood earlier, and i saw a few locations ( a broke down car, and under a porch ) that would work for a shelter until it got dark.
in a riot type situation, getting arrested is not high on my worry list, the local law enforcement should have their hands full.
but again, its how you use what you have, with a single tub of Vasoline , i can start 100 fires with dryer lint or some other cotton material.