Is anyone here using the bolt on replacement bolt handle for their 91/30?
Is it strong enough to survive sticky cases?
Does it work lose?
No I am not going to weld one on and no I am not going to pay more for a sniper bolt than I did for the rifle. I just want to know if the bolt on unit works.
Are you talking about the ATI ones that come with their scope mounts (or separately if you REALLY want to get that bubbafied look all by itself) If that's the one your talking about,its pretty much the cheapest thing I have ever seen. Its terrible. Its a lot thinner of a handle than it looks like in the pictures. The scope mount does not LOOK to bad (I don't know how it works,because I refuse to put it on at least until I decide what Im going to do for a bent bolt)
Seriously,I kid you not,it really DOES look that bad,so bad in fact I have a hard time writing something that I feel properly coveys how bad it really looks. On the plus side,It does seem to match those cheap plastic ATI stocks with the raw injection molding seams that look like a childs toy.
(did I mention I think it looks gawd awful)
In summary,the ATI handle (at least to my eyes,Ive heard some say it looks better on the rifle. Probably like perhaps a cow pie might look better on your fender,as it might just be mistaken for mud) is something this cheap looking I would literally be embarrassed to take a gun it was installed on to the range. ("Oh,you have a scope on your 91-30" followed by that brief look as they see the handle. "It looks... good...")
Heres a mount I have been considering. It claims you dont need to bend the bolt to use it,but I haven't found anyone who has tried it yet.