And SS ain't SUPPOSED to be a rust problem! It sounds like, to me, you may have some sort of contamination on it. With any sort of reasonable care, SS shouldn't rust. The first thing I would do, is to stop using steel wool. It leaves very small particles of iron, and that could be initiating the rust. What might work, is to scrub/brush the whole thing out with HOT soapy water, followed by a boiling water rinse. Heck, boil the whole thing in soapy water, if you can! After it dries (only a couple minutes), do a complete spray using something like Berrymans, or brake cleaner. Doing both should remove whatever is causing the rust to start. Finally, while it is still relatively warm, I would spray the whole thing down with a synthetic oil... Something like Mobil 1 should do fine. Finally wipe/blow the whole thing down to remove the excess oil, and use your regular lube on the hinge pin. I'll bet this will cure your problem. In the future, should you need to remove rust, swipe your wife's well-used Scotchbrite scrubbing pad, from the kitchen sink. They work just like steel wool, but the used ones are much more gentle. And they leave no iron residue to start rust! I hate steel wool, just for that reason.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bug.