Author Topic: 35 Remington/35 Whelen  (Read 1921 times)

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Re: 35 Remington/35 Whelen
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2010, 03:23:40 PM »
re: "INERTIA FIRING PIN"...the firing pin doesn't stop at the end of the travel initiated by the transfer bar after hit by the has probably another 0.030" or more can check it easy enough.

Cock the hammer, hold it with you thumb and pull the trigger and hold it back then lower the hammer and see just how far the firing pin protrudes...THEN release the trigger and hammer, pull the hammer back a little way and use an unbent paperclip to push the firing pin in as far as it will go while watching will stick out at least an equal amount more than when you just drop the hammer...

The "inertia" or "energy of the hammer hitting the transfer bar which hits the firing pin which then hits the primer is what causes the primer to it what you like.

Maybe my definition is different than yours...didn't mean to cause a problem...only look for solutions.

I try to keep things simple, but not many seem to want it that way.

These FTF are mostly long chambers and ammo shoulders set too short which causes an headspace issue...couple that with a slightly short firing pin, a weak hammer fall and you run out of options...

Fit the brass to the chamber and the FTF will go can happen in ALL guns, bolt, autos, SS, etc, but because of the nature of T/C and NEF's it is more prone to happenand, a bit harder to fix in some cases...BUT...all you need to do is adjust you sizing die to leave the shoulder alone, seat your bullets long so they go into the lands and hold the brass back against the frame face and use a mid load and you will get perfectly formed brass. 

Nothing hard about that.
