Author Topic: Greeted with a new sign  (Read 974 times)

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Offline hornady

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Greeted with a new sign
« on: October 18, 2010, 03:31:04 AM »
Pa, being an open or concealed carry with a LTCF State, I carry a firearm regularly,
Saturday I was not carrying, but made a stop at a local shop that I have done business with for a couple years, in the front window was a brand new, (Weapons are not permitted) sign, I turned around, got back in my car, and found a more second amendment friendly shop.
When I returned home I looked up both the local store address as well as the corporate office,
I wrote both very respectful letters explaining that I respect there right to dictate store policy, But that I would not spend my money in any store that will not respect my right to defend myself.
It totally amazes me that a business owner thinks that some how a sign, will in anyway stop a Felon from robbing or doing harm.
But as I stated this is there right, just as it is my right to only spend my money in a more gun friendly environment.

Offline Mohawk

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 10:36:13 AM »
Only in Alaska and Vermont does the 2nd Amendment remain visible. Everywhere else it is just a "courtesy". Just like a Driver's License.

Offline Mikey

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 03:22:55 AM »
Hornady:  I look at it from a very different perspective.  The store owner may have the right to place a sign in his front window that says 'weapons are not permitted' but has no authority beyond that and I never, ever obey any signs that do not carry the strength of law.  Your ccw was granted to you under your state's criminal procedures laws and the store owner/manager does not have the authority to supercede those laws with individual or even corporate store policy.  Actually, the store discriminates against you with that sign and sujects itself to open discrimination suit - I'll bet you could have that sign removed in a matter of minutes or just tell the mgr he faces a discrimination suit and then find a cheap attorney to bring the case on merit.  Heck, I don't even obey the policies of the local pd because they are just policies that do not carry the strength of law or supercede criminal procedure law and apply only to the pd, not the citizenry.

Actually, you exercise your 2nd Amendment right through the authority of the state that licenses you; the business has no such authority, the sign reflects only the store policy, which carries as much authority as a dead house cat.  And I also believe the store cannot keep you out or force you out withouot facing a discrimination charge and you know how much $ that costs to defend (you can always tell them that you know...).  I would also give the store owner some indication of how much business he may stand to lose with that sign (for example - you may have over 1,000 ccw holders in the area and if they boycott the store I seriously doubt it will get much business).  Hell, write a letter to the editor of your local paper and have them print it and throw in a few cost factors.  You can always add in the aspect that if the store owner/mgr does not know he is violating discrimination law and cannot differentiate between law abiding citizens and criminals he should close his doors and take up business in nyc where nobody cares.  jmtcw.

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2010, 06:08:23 AM »
Unfortunately in Kansas it is part of the CC laws that if a business posts the no guns sign then you cannot legally CC in that business.

Offline Pot-Bellied Stallion

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2010, 01:13:14 PM »
It's CONCEALED CARRY.  How in the world will the business owner or anyone in the store know that you are carrying?  If it's that noticable, you are doing a poor job of concealing it.  I carry concealed very often in all sorts of downtown businesses and nobody knows.
Thanks for the stump

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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2010, 04:30:58 AM »
It's CONCEALED CARRY.  How in the world will the business owner or anyone in the store know that you are carrying?  If it's that noticable, you are doing a poor job of concealing it.  I carry concealed very often in all sorts of downtown businesses and nobody knows.

In my opinion it is to much of a risk to take in Kansas. If I print or some how accidentally show and someone calls 911 I am screwed. Lose my CC permit and other possible charges.

Offline Pot-Bellied Stallion

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2010, 03:33:36 AM »
That's why I'm glad I live in Idaho.  I do understand the concern about Kansas - whenever I drive back down to Texas and pass through Kansas, my firearm is locked in the back until I get to Oklahoma.
Thanks for the stump

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Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2011, 10:41:01 AM »
The property owner has no rights? Just make the choice to not carry there or shop somewhere else. No different than a sign that says "we have the right to refuse service". Shop somewhere else, let them remain comforted by the fact that nobody will be present to defend against bad guys.  ;)

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2011, 02:44:02 AM »
Our CCW laws in Delaware state if someone posts a sigh about no guns permitted, you cannot carry there. I do not go to these places to do business.  But I do let the managers know, that I will tell all my gun owning friends not to use there establishment. I have written several letters to establishments, and later found the signs removed.
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Re: Greeted with a new sign
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2011, 03:54:47 AM »
I like the letter to the editor idea. Don't rant, include as many verifiable facts as you can without coming off as a blowhard and you may be surprised by the results of your letter.