Thanks, Oyvind: What these crews did in these competitions was truly impressive. You'll notice that in the title of this vid it says 'not the last'. I'm not sure if that's true; the black armbands on these navy men represent this being the last (108th) competition, run in this exact manner. There was a public outcry that wanted the tradition to be carried on, but as far as I know the rough obstacle course part of the event was entirely done away with. The reasons for stopping the competitions had to do with the number, and severity of injuries the crewmen were suffering in practicing for, and while competing in, the real event.
"The "last" Royal Naval Field gun race, FAA versus Portsmouth. Note the black armbands.
108 years have passed, and Ladysmith belongs to the Zulu Kingdom of KwaZulu-Natal. But the feat of the gunners from "Powerful" and "Terrible" has never been forgotten."
"It was the last of the true Command Field Gun Runs at Earls Court.
It can only now be seen as an exhibition run at Pompey but doesn't involve running against Devonport and Fleet Air Arm.
The only other competition involving a gun is Brickwoods Field Gun which doesn't have walls, ramps etc and is held on a car park...nuff said!"
Thanks for posting this one, I haven't seen it before, and all I can say is outstanding. The precision displayed by these six horse teams, and their drivers is really something to behold.