Graybeard I've gotta agree with you on the points you made. First, I'll say that I wish companies would not have a year or 2 :x of duds they let out of the factory. I've wondered why this is acceptable. A first batch maybe but not a few years. I would love to do bus. with Taurus again, as would my cousin. I think the freedom arms are by far the best built, but the raging bull is the best design for big bore calibers. You can shoot them all day, except in my experience cuz they broke. I'm hoping that they fixed whatever issues plagued them. I think from a marketing standpoint it would do them well to list improvements made on the gun. Like," new for 2004, tighter tolerances and better fit and finish. " They should advertise it. Tell everyone they fixed the weak links. They need to realize they alienated a lot of customers and that while they've made significant gains in marketshare they can hit the bottom of the barrel just as quick. Magnum Research comes to mind here. I want everyone to know that the difference b/w their recent offerings in the BFR and the old is like night and day. I saw a BFR back in 1999 and couldn't believe someone would sell a gun like this, let alone charge $1000 for it. Now, different story. They are making stuff way superior to Ruger, not FA, but definitely better than Ruger. Saw the BFR and SW 500 both obviously in 500 and I couldn't believe it. The BFR I'm here to tell you was way better fit and finish wise. In fact I'd rank them higher than any other production big bore pistol next to FA out there. My 454 is really really nice. No complaints, but where's their warranty? 1 year, can't compete with smith ruger taurus or FA on that one. Now how many out there have thought they'd really like one in 454 or 475 but have just heard too many negatives in the past and can't take the chance. Maybe a 2nd chance is in order for Taurus based on all I've heard, but not for my cuz and me. We're still in school and can't afford the hit on that much money for something that doesn't hold up. That's why a 2 year lemon period is too long. MRI and Taurus have had hits to their rep that some savvy marketing and tighter tolerances at the factory could fix but I guess that isn't so important. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!!!!!!!