any idea how the parasites are passed on? maybe eating sum rare wolf steaks or by likking your fingers while skinning a wolf?sorry couldnt resist.
These tapeworms are definitely NOT isolated to this (Montana) area any longer.
Here is how they get spread around and how people can get infected. They get swallowed by mouth.
You can do it without knowing. Here are the scary details.
The feces (turds) of the wolves (the primary carrier) hold 100s or 1000s of eggs of these tapeworms.
The eggs are microscopic and remain viable for months even though dried.
When dried they are easily released into the air as a cloud when anything at all jostles the infected turd.
They may be jostled by a dog taking a sniff or a man’s boot or any animal’s foot or just a stiff breeze.
A cloud of eggs rises up and swirls around the entire body of the animal, unseen and unnoticed, (because it’s a microscopic cloud) and settle all over the surface of the animal., (head, face, shoulders, etc.)
Much of the eggs will also be spread over an area of approximately ¼ acre within minutes.
If you simply walk around in an area where a wolf cut a turd in you will very likely have a lot of these eggs all over you when you leave. The family dog will too.
Anyone that has visited Yellow Stone Park [in recent years] might have already spread the eggs to their home. These then get spread all over the interior of your car. You drive home. The eggs get spread by this same action into your home. Everyone that gets into the car picks up some of them and takes them along wherever they go, depositing them all along the way.
These eggs will be all over exposed skin and can be rubbed into the nose, eyes and mouth without any notice because the are microscopic. (The person has no idea that they are covered with them.)
It doesn’t take much imagination to see how the eggs can eventually get into the mouth and swallowed.
Months or years later the symptoms begin. By then the whole family is infected as are the neighbors and anyone that has been in your home or just in close proximity to where you or any member of you extended family-group has been.
In 20 years or so the entire continent could conceivably be suffering from infestation of this tapeworm.
It might be too late even now.
The only good first step is to begin shooting wolves at every opportunity and leave them where they fall.
The Feds brought those non-native wolves here knowing they might be infected with this type of tapeworm and made no effort to “clean” them out before release.
There is a lot to know about the whole concept that started with the warm and fuzzy catch-phrase, “save the wolves,” the brain-child of the professional sympathy industry. It was all fiction.
The truth is they never needed saving and they never needed “help” from man.
There is a lot of scientific and medical documentation about what is true about the wolves and their parasites and diseases.
The Gov’t was made aware of all of it and did this evil thing (importing a non-native species of wolf with their parasites and diseases intact,) anyway.
There is a huge amount of documentation on this and related subjects.
None of it supports the “save the wolves” thinking.
There are no facts to support that nonsense and there never were.
Here are some links to help begin understanding this situation.!/wolf_attacks_on_humans.html
Most people will not like what they learn here. The Federal Government knew this was wrong and did it anyway. The professional sympathy industry gets lots of support, (votes, money and free labor) through fictitious campaigns like this.
There is lots of info on this.
You might as well get started at learning why you or your children might be dying from tapeworms in the brain 10 to 20 years from now.