Author Topic: There has to be more stories???  (Read 934 times)

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Offline 1911crazy

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There has to be more stories???
« on: December 05, 2003, 05:06:49 AM »
There has just been a few of us who has told all come on there has to be more stories than this??  Don't just read here come on and tell us too your story!!!!  We can't be the only outdoor guys here??   BigBill

Offline matt d

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There has to be more stories???
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2003, 12:37:57 PM »
Big Bill,
I have a story for you.  I was hunting a while back with my friends boy and my dog Tess.  Tell is a little over a year old and Johny is 12.  We were following a big pig track.  Actually, Tess and Johny were on the track and I was bringing up the rear trying to remember what posessed me to play tackle football the day before.  Us being on the trail is nothing new, there is pigs all over the place but we can't get to them because they go into a canyon that can't be hunted without serious dog power and a group of hunters to cover all the "outs."  Anyways, before I knew it we were crawling on our hands and knees and Tess was letting us know that there were pigs close, she couldn't see them because she was quite but she let us know in her own little way.  She was standing in an opening waiting for us.  Let me first mention that what I mean by brush is poison oak, black berry bushes, wild rose, and a bunch of other foliage that doen't require a name because it doesn't make you bleed if you touch it.  We came out of the pig tunnel into the opening where there were three trees growing from one trunk.  I position Johny in the fork of the tree with an UNloaded 243.  I chambered a cartridge and put my rifle on safety.  Tess looked at me and I gave a head nod telling her that its ok to see whats down another tunnel and as soon as she got out of site the (fill in the blank) hit the fan.  It was an awsome Boar, just huge.  Tess and he got into a ruckus then she cam back to me.  The pig was just out of site in the brush.  I forgot that opening we were in was a circle 20 feet in diamenter with the trees on the opposite side from the pig.  Tess didn't want any part of that big ol'pig so I just said good girl and waited to see what she did.  Johny eyes were huge and he had a wicked grin on his face.  He is a natural born pig hunter and dreams about them every night.  I winked at johny and when I turned around Tess went back in the boars nest and she yelped and could see the pig turn my way so I ran to Johny, Johny climbed the tree, and I got between the three trees.  Johny said that the pig was at my heels, tess was trying to bite him.  I was scared and so was Johny.  Johny climbed the tree with one hand so he wouldn't scratch his rifle, which is important to his old man.  As we realized the pig was still in his nest we couldn't find tess.  I called for her and she wined, I looked down and she was between my legs looking up at me with a really scared look on her face.  I laughed my but off and Johny came down out of the tree.  We decided we needed help.  I know that pig is still around because I see its tracks around but I aint going back in that canyon.  I'll get him and if I don't Johny will.

so there is a story  for you, I hope it was worth the time you took to read it.
Don't say whoa in a bad place

Offline 1911crazy

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There has to be more stories???
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2003, 02:15:15 AM »
Thats awesome, it sounds like the boy is going to be some hunter soon? BigBill

Offline matt d

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There has to be more stories???
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2003, 07:29:51 AM »
I was going to try and get you another story but its raining to hard :(   Myabe tomorrow :-)
Don't say whoa in a bad place

Offline 1911crazy

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There has to be more stories???
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2003, 01:07:28 PM »
Lucky for you its raining there its snowing to beat the band here!!!!!!  I have to get some winter toys(snowmobile)              BigBill