I'm still shooting some of the 100 243 cases that I bought on close out about 15 years ago. Never had any flaking problems with them, just split necks much like all my other brass cases. I have no idiea how many times they've been loaded but it's bunch. Somehow, somewhere I lost the paper that had that info.
I loaded a lot of 300 WM cases that were plated, mostly Fed. The brass was still in good shape but for the primer pockets. They'd started not to feel right when priming, so I tossed them after I shot them. No split necks and again no flaking.
Currently, I'm working my way back thru a lot of 500 pieces of Starline 45LC. I think I've loaded them 4-5 times now with no problems.
My youngun had some 7 Mag brass, made by Win, that was kinda flakey when he removed them from the box. These were factory loads. After shooting them, they got tumbled for a while and he's still loading them. Whatever was flaking must have been surface stuff because they're still looking good. I think he's loaded them about 3 times now.