I have just been informed about a new set of Gun Laws that directly affect us cannon makers here in OZ.
Here in the State of Queensland we have been able to make firing scale replicas of muzzle loading cannon provided the barrel length is less than 1200mm in length, pretty generous really. That is all about to change. Any person who makes or possesses a reasonable imitation of a firing muzzle loading cannon, in other words a model or toy cannon shall be forced to register it as a restricted article with the police. IT does not matter the item is made of plastic or metal and that it could never be made to fire, if it looks like a scale model of a muzzle loading cannon then it is restricted and subject to registration.
The kicker is scale models of breech loading cannons are not covered by the new act as they are not permitted to be made in firing condition under the act. So you can have a half scale german railway gun 16 feet long and that is alright but a 5 inch barreled model naval gun on your shelf must be registered and locked away.
I am sure my American friends will think I am making this up but I can only ask you to check the Queensland Police Website and look up the new Weapons Act and Regulations. Scale firing cannons are Categorized under Category A Schedule 4 Section 4(1)(c) the imitation laws are under Section 11 Meaning of Imitation and Section 240 Meaning of Restricted Item.
I have no idea what I am going to do. I have many model cannons and am in the process of making my first firing cannon from cast Bronze. Hell, even my letter box looks like a cannon and will probably get me arrested. Actually now that I think about it, being full sized it is now classed as an imitation of a Category R (Prohibited) artillery piece and makes me liable to 7 years jail for possession. Any imitation of Category R is considered as if it real.
You guys should appreciate the freedoms you have, we are losing ours very quickly.