Author Topic: Why?  (Read 855 times)

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Offline daddywpb

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« on: December 03, 2003, 11:32:29 PM »
The season is over here in a couple more weeks, so we went out again last weekend, even though it was cold and rainy. After stomping around in the mud, my daughter and I came home cold, wet and tired, trying to pull boots off of very sore feet. After I finally got the truck cleaned out, and everything put away, we get to listen to the rest of the family, non hunters, make fun of the fact that we came home empty handed again. And the wife saying that she thinks it's about time for me to get those Christmas lights up. I know killing isn't the goal here, it never has been for me, but there is a fine line sometimes between fun and frustration. I'm trying not to step over it. It would pick my spirits up a bit to at least see something once in a while. OK, venting is over. Sorry guys!

Offline Rev

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« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2003, 02:38:43 AM »
Happy to listen. Hope it helped. Get the lights up and get back to the fun/frustration. Have a great holiday season.

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2003, 04:17:35 AM »
Yo Man - you've got a couple of more weeks.  Wow, lucky you!  Our big game season closes here 12/9, with muzzle loader for another week but my season is over basically this weekend, and we've been skunked.  Bad weather, no rut, a logging operation last winter that re-routed everything.  Have seen some tails but that's about it.  

Man, if I had a couple of additional weeks I would let'em all laugh (and get some comfortable boots while I'm at it).  But Hay, you've got the best of possible company on your hunts, your daughter and she is interested in being out there with you.  Man, muddy, wet boots or not, I would buy that gal something everyone else would gawk at just for going out there with me.  I don't see how you could be frustrated with the best of company, even if you don't get a shot.  You're a lucky Dad, and your detractors don't have a clue.  Hay, consider the source of their comments.  HTH.  Mikey.

Offline 512

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« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2003, 05:47:09 AM »
hey,hang in there. its great to hear your daughter goes along. how old is she? took my 14 yr old daughter hunting this yr and she bagged her first buck. great experience. persiverance always pays. good luck.

Offline daddywpb

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« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2003, 01:40:04 PM »
My daughter is 12, and the best hunting partner I've ever had. She has her own bow, muzzleloader, and 44 Mag rifle, and she truly enjoys the woods, especially when it's dark. She's a trooper. She always wants to go, rain or shine, and I know how lucky I am. It's great to have quiet time alone with her, and it's something that no one else will do with her.

Offline rickyp

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« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2003, 02:01:09 PM »
in MD we can hunt deer up to jan 31

it starts about sep. 15 for bow then around Oct.; 19 we have a 3 day muxleloader season and a week latter we have a 2 day doe only muzzle loader season then the sat. after Thanksgiving gun season open for 2 weeks then a week after gun season we get a 2 week late muzzleloader season then back to bow untill jan 31 and we can take a total of 4 deer during the bow, 4 during all the muzzleloading season and 4 more during gun season then if you can you can do it all over again on another county zone

Offline Ranger413

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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2003, 02:51:55 PM »
Your day will come.  Trust me.  My wife gave me grief every day that I came home empty handed.  She never really understood the way that time in the woods lets me escape.  

I've been hunting for the past 18 years.  I've shot about 4 doe and one spike with a rifle, and 5 doe with a muzzleloader.  Obviously I didn't get one every year, but time afield was what it was all about.  

However, this year was MY YEAR.  On the first day of the October muzzle loader season here in Arkansas I bagged a nice symetrical 8-point.  He'll be gracing my wall here in a month or so.  It was the happiest day I've ever had hunting.  To top it all off I also shot my first deer with a handgun.  Although it was only a button buck, I had my first deer with the hand cannon - a Ruger SRH .44 mag.

I've been skunked quite a bit in the past.  I've not seen a hair all season before.  But even the sun shines on a dog's rear end some times.  

Life is like a dogsled team, if you ain't the lead dog the scenery never changes.

Offline myronman3

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« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2003, 03:35:06 PM »
it is like my wife said "it is supposed to be a hobby.  if you are not having fun, do something else you enjoy until you are ready to go again".  sometimes i find myself in the same boat you are in.  she sometimes gives good advise (i wish she would take it as well as she gives it).

Offline daddywpb

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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2003, 11:00:07 PM »
Thanks for all the feedback. We haven't even seen a hog this season, much less a whitetail. Seems like we are always where they 'were', and never where they 'are'. We have to skip this coming weekend because there is just too many other things to take care of. Maybe the forced break will do me good. My daughter's JAKES event is Sunday at Bass Pro. The kids will be shooting airguns, and archery. She can take her bow, and show off a bit. I'm really very proud of her. She has put in a lot of time with her bow, and is very good with it out to about 25 yards or so. If I can just get her in front of a deer, she will be able to make the shot when it counts. Thanks again.

Offline 512

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« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2003, 06:01:36 PM »
thats really neat. its always good to hear of kids getting involved with hunting. we need to bring as many as we can up the "right" way. i am proud of both my daughters as they both hunt. in fact the older one and i went rabbit hunting just last weekend. good times and memories. hang in there guy!      jeff

Offline DogDoc

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« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2003, 05:21:29 AM »
You're a lucky guy.  My 2 boys have hunted w/ me for years, there were times we saw NO deer, but always saw SOMETHING..... armadillos, birds, lizards, coons; even BUGS can be interesting if nothing else is happening.  I know of no other activity where you just sit quietly w/ your child for hours at a time.  Whisper some.  Teach her to whittle.  It's priceless.  The yougest boy  (13 now)was moving like an anthill every second for the first couple of years, now is quieter than me.  Has offered to take his Mom into the blind this year, but told her she'd have to promise not to talk or move.  We both got a kick out of that.  Your day will come, and you'll be in the blind w/ your daughter when she collects her first deer.  Is there a better time to talk about responsibility, ethics, patience, self control, exercise of power, family, the natural world and our place in it?  If there is, I haven't found it.

You may be sitting still, but that doesn't mean nothing worthwhile is happening.

Enjoy the time.  Enjoy the ribbing you get.  Enjoy your family.

These are the good times.