You're a lucky guy. My 2 boys have hunted w/ me for years, there were times we saw NO deer, but always saw SOMETHING..... armadillos, birds, lizards, coons; even BUGS can be interesting if nothing else is happening. I know of no other activity where you just sit quietly w/ your child for hours at a time. Whisper some. Teach her to whittle. It's priceless. The yougest boy (13 now)was moving like an anthill every second for the first couple of years, now is quieter than me. Has offered to take his Mom into the blind this year, but told her she'd have to promise not to talk or move. We both got a kick out of that. Your day will come, and you'll be in the blind w/ your daughter when she collects her first deer. Is there a better time to talk about responsibility, ethics, patience, self control, exercise of power, family, the natural world and our place in it? If there is, I haven't found it.
You may be sitting still, but that doesn't mean nothing worthwhile is happening.
Enjoy the time. Enjoy the ribbing you get. Enjoy your family.
These are the good times.