One final comment by me, only in the interest of conversation...The House Select Subcommittee was presented, at the last minute, "evidence" by a group involving "accustic evidence"...the Subcommittee took the "evidence" at full value, hence their conclusion. The "experts" who presented it have since been discredited by better, proven science. Their "evidence" required the motorcycle officer whose mike was stuck open, to have been in a certain area, quite small, and it has since been proven that the officer was far away from the location needed for their ( flawed ) conclusion. Again, they were acting on their suspicion, looking for a conclusion that supported their theory, and twisted the acustics to support their desired conclusion. Good, science has completely discredited them.
The film involving the duplication of the shooting was done by an Aussie crew. They used a similar Carcano carbine, used new-old-stock Winchester ammo, same as LHO. This is important, because the 6.5 Carcano used a slightly larger diameter bullet then other 6.5's, and the old WInchester ammo is of the proper diameter, as is the new Hornady ammo. Using the proper bullets give far better accuracy then other, "generic" 6.5 Carcano ammo.
Also, using the NOS Winchester ammo, they were able to duplicate the "magic bullet" trajectory through JFK, through Connelly, and breaking the skin on his thigh ( or was it wrist, I forget ). Anyway, do some U-Tube searching, you should be able to find it, or, if it is not on U-Tube, a google search should show up where to buy is an eye-opener. I am much like you, I"m 60, been around guns, hunters, shooters, etc. Career L.E., interacted with folks in military, etc. Those I[ve talked to about the JFK shooting conclude LHO acted alone, if they have given it any thorough looking-into. Sometimes, over a cold one, someone will pipe up " the mafia did it", then someone else will say " the cubans", someone might say ( if they have seen the Oliver Stone flick ) "the CIA did it", and on and on it goes. BUT, when asked for any type of evidence to support their theory, they come up empty. Mark