Author Topic: CARBINES?  (Read 1059 times)

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Offline Merle

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« on: September 20, 2010, 12:41:04 PM »

I have asked a similar question as this on other forums, and would like to get the opinions here.

I'm looking for ACTUAL experience with Hi-Point or Kel-Tec pistol caliber carbines.
Also of interest is ACTUAL experience with the M1911 Mech Tech conversion units.

Rumors, internet wisdom or 10th hand stories are not of interest, as they are as unreliable as the typical fishermans tale about the one that got away.


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Offline Graybeard

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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 12:57:21 PM »
If you look on the Kel-Tec and Hi-Point forums on this site you can find several such first hand experiences and comments at least for the Hi-Point and I seem to recall some on the Kel-Tec as well. That's as much help as I can offer as I've owned and used neither carbine and only the Kel-Tec handguns.

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Offline Merle

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« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 01:43:09 PM »
If you look on the Kel-Tec and Hi-Point forums on this site you can find several such first hand experiences and comments at least for the Hi-Point and I seem to recall some on the Kel-Tec as well. That's as much help as I can offer as I've owned and used neither carbine and only the Kel-Tec handguns.

I have browsed those forums, but suspect that the folks hanging out there might be a bit biased, so thought I'd try a more general forum.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 02:29:02 PM »
A guy I used to work with had the Kel Tech.
He liked it as it took S&W mags and since it folded in half it fit in his lap top case.
So depending on where he was headed he had a small carbine with him.  He was carrying it with him when the OJ jurry came Back.
So he had it for a number of years and likes it.  I think he had problems with the larger capacity 30 rounds after market mags, but all of the S&W factory mags worked like a champ.
Also had a few friends hat had Ruger PC-9 carbines and they too liked them alot.
I think they would have caught on more if Ruger would have made a few different magizine wells to take the major brands of pistol magazines.
LAPD looked at them and wanted them to take the Beretta 92 Mag to match the issue handgun.  Ruger said Issue our handguns rather than make a lower mag well to take Beretta, Sig, Glock, or S&W.  Had they done so.... LAPD would have had them in the cars in time for the West Holly wood shoot out and there would not be a bunch of AR 15's in squad cars now all over the country.
You would see Rugers that accept the mag of the issued handgun.  In the Case of CHP S&W, NYCPD would be Glock.

Offline Merle

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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2010, 01:56:26 PM »
A guy I used to work with had the Kel Tech.
He liked it as it took S&W mags and since it folded in half it fit in his lap top case.
So depending on where he was headed he had a small carbine with him.  He was carrying it with him when the OJ jurry came Back.
So he had it for a number of years and likes it.  I think he had problems with the larger capacity 30 rounds after market mags, but all of the S&W factory mags worked like a champ.
Also had a few friends hat had Ruger PC-9 carbines and they too liked them alot.
I think they would have caught on more if Ruger would have made a few different magizine wells to take the major brands of pistol magazines.
LAPD looked at them and wanted them to take the Beretta 92 Mag to match the issue handgun.  Ruger said Issue our handguns rather than make a lower mag well to take Beretta, Sig, Glock, or S&W.  Had they done so.... LAPD would have had them in the cars in time for the West Holly wood shoot out and there would not be a bunch of AR 15's in squad cars now all over the country.
You would see Rugers that accept the mag of the issued handgun.  In the Case of CHP S&W, NYCPD would be Glock.

Thanks for the feedback.
PS: it does seem common for large capacity after-market mags to give more trouble, but that's not a function of the firearm involved.

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Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2010, 02:12:47 PM »
My friends wit hthe PC-9 were taking factory mags and cutting off the same amount off the after market and welding them together and using the factory follower and feed lips fixed most of the problems.

Offline dieselman

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« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2010, 05:19:58 PM »
I picked up a Hi-point rifle in 9mm at the last gunshow and thought what the heck 9mm is cheap and if nothin else the kids can plink with it... as soon as I got it home thinkin 12" groups @ 30yds would be alright, it will do 4" groups @ 40yds rapid fire with the 10rnd mag all day long.. I've gone through tons of 9mm in that thing at the only probs I've had is when puttin my brass catcher on it (from my AR) if the bag is not just right the empty brass will cause a jam my falt just to lazy to pick up brass all the time. With the steel case wolf (don't have to pick up cases) 300rnds no jams at all. Its goin yote huntin with me next time to see what it can do.

Offline Merle

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« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2010, 12:52:16 PM »
My friends wit hthe PC-9 were taking factory mags and cutting off the same amount off the after market and welding them together and using the factory follower and feed lips fixed most of the problems.

I'm kind of surprised at the followers, but feed lips have been a major player in most of my troublesome mags.

Thanks frthe feedback.

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Offline Merle

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« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 12:54:51 PM »
I picked up a Hi-point rifle in 9mm at the last gunshow and thought what the heck 9mm is cheap and if nothin else the kids can plink with it... as soon as I got it home thinkin 12" groups @ 30yds would be alright, it will do 4" groups @ 40yds rapid fire with the 10rnd mag all day long.. I've gone through tons of 9mm in that thing at the only probs I've had is when puttin my brass catcher on it (from my AR) if the bag is not just right the empty brass will cause a jam my falt just to lazy to pick up brass all the time. With the steel case wolf (don't have to pick up cases) 300rnds no jams at all. Its goin yote huntin with me next time to see what it can do.

Thanks for the feedback.
I'd like to hear how the 'yote trip turns out.

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Offline jlwilliams

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« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2010, 01:43:02 PM »
I had one of the MecTecs and I still have a HiPoint.

  The Mec Tec was pretty nice but it's oddly put together so doing a detail take down cleaning is kind of a pain.  Mine was the 1911 version.  The Glock version naturally has more capacity, but I have a couple of 1911s so it wasn't a problem to leave one set up in the CCU.  Neat gun, accurate and fun to shoot.  Big draw back in my eyes is that you have to buy it and have a frame for it.  That means taking another gun apart to shoot the carbine.  I don't remember why I sold it.  I'd probably get another if the oportunity came up and the price was right.

  The HiPoint is a fun little plinker and about the only 9mm carbine worth it's price tag.  I don't see epending $1k on a 9mm AR, but $250 for a HiPoint makes sense.  Accurate, reliable litte gun.  Butt Ugly.  Fun to shoot.   The new ones have a much more rigid stock that feels better than the 'Planet of the Apes' model I have.  Mine flexes more than I'd like, but that's not a huge probelm considering the money I don't have into it.

  I'd reccomend either the MecTec or the HiPoint.  I don't have the KelTec so I can't really give an opinion there.  I can tell you a friend of mine has one and he's the perverbial pig in poop with it but he doesn't shoot much so his happiness is more with the package than the performance.

Online Lloyd Smale

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« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2010, 02:50:42 AM »
I dont have any experinece with the others but i did have a high point 40 that a guy that owned me money gave me to pay his debt. It was but ugly but was accurate and very reliable. My neighbor plows me all winter and i gave it to him a couple years ago for doing me the favor. I dont know how many thousands of rounds theyve shot through it but its a ton. I know as i load it for them. He recently had a broken firing block and sent the gun to high point. they not only sent him a paid shipping lable but when they returned it (with a whole new bolt) but cleaned it and gave him a free new mag for it. Hard to beat service like that.
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Offline Merle

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« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2010, 03:55:51 PM »
I had one of the MecTecs and I still have a HiPoint.

  The Mec Tec was pretty nice but it's oddly put together so doing a detail take down cleaning is kind of a pain.  Mine was the 1911 version.  The Glock version naturally has more capacity, but I have a couple of 1911s so it wasn't a problem to leave one set up in the CCU.  Neat gun, accurate and fun to shoot.  Big draw back in my eyes is that you have to buy it and have a frame for it.  That means taking another gun apart to shoot the carbine.  I don't remember why I sold it.  I'd probably get another if the oportunity came up and the price was right.

  The HiPoint is a fun little plinker and about the only 9mm carbine worth it's price tag.  I don't see epending $1k on a 9mm AR, but $250 for a HiPoint makes sense.  Accurate, reliable litte gun.  Butt Ugly.  Fun to shoot.   The new ones have a much more rigid stock that feels better than the 'Planet of the Apes' model I have.  Mine flexes more than I'd like, but that's not a huge probelm considering the money I don't have into it.

  I'd reccomend either the MecTec or the HiPoint.  I don't have the KelTec so I can't really give an opinion there.  I can tell you a friend of mine has one and he's the perverbial pig in poop with it but he doesn't shoot much so his happiness is more with the package than the performance.

OK, thanks.

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Offline Merle

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« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2010, 03:57:43 PM »
I dont have any experinece with the others but i did have a high point 40 that a guy that owned me money gave me to pay his debt. It was but ugly but was accurate and very reliable. My neighbor plows me all winter and i gave it to him a couple years ago for doing me the favor. I dont know how many thousands of rounds theyve shot through it but its a ton. I know as i load it for them. He recently had a broken firing block and sent the gun to high point. they not only sent him a paid shipping lable but when they returned it (with a whole new bolt) but cleaned it and gave him a free new mag for it. Hard to beat service like that.

Thanks for the info.

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