I have several tatoos and peircings, three in the left ear, one in the left eyebrow and a labret (lower lip center). As was said here before I started when they were not as common as now. They just seemed to go with my lifestyle, biker, bass player in a metal band. I didn't get carried away with them though, just kind of an accent thing and all my tatoos are within clothing areas so I can roll up the sleeves of a dress shirt and they are not seen. No forearms, neck or facial tatoos.
I may be different for a tatooed person but I don't think women should have them. It's a class thing for me and just my opinion. I like women to have a certain degree of class and tatoos as well as a "sailor" mouth are a definite turn off for me.
My kids will not have them at a young age either. My son is thinking of joining the military after high school and being an adult he can do whatever he wants. As for my daughter, I'm really trying to drill my above thoughts into her but again after 18 ( I'll try to push it until after college if I can) she can do as she wishes as well.